The Iradier Arena will host concerts and other cultural events from May to September, with a capacity of 600 people.
- March 2025
Álava is already preparing for the events in honor of San Prudencio and Estibaliz. They will be strange parties, which will have to be experienced from a distance. In fact, they will not be parties, but “commemorative events”, as the Diputación has remarked.
The Harriak stone game has reached Vitoria through social networks with groups such as HarriakAraba or HarriakGasteiz.
The exhibition is free and can be viewed throughout the year.
The cathedral of Santa María in Vitoria-Gasteiz has added a new feature to its tours in the form of a virtual reality experience.
FesTVal, the Vitoria-Gasteiz Television Festival, was born on 2009, and is the first festival devoted exclusively to television in all its formats: game shows, magazines, series, cultural, educational and social programmes, news, entertainment for children, young people and adults and more.
Come and discover a sustainable city full of ideas for enjoying nature, history as well as wine and fine food.
Breathing is one of the vital needs of any creature, but there is another type of symbolic, intimate and essential breathing that is not regulated by the lungs and the cycles of oxygen and carbon.
The 200th anniversary of La Florida Park will be celebrated with a varied program
There will also be monologists like Gorka Aguinagalde or Goyo Jiménez
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